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Just Start - Get Writing

Posted: August 12, 2016 Update: January 26, 2021

Just Start

Get writing this is what I have been telling myself all week. Just start and an idea will come to you. I sit down and still I am not getting any grand ideas to write about this week on the blog. Do you run into those roadblocks? If so, how do you overcome them?

I repeat to myself, just start and the rest will follow. But the very next thought is Oh, but I really should ____.

Procrastinate, me?

What is your go-to method? Just start or do you procrastinate until it is waaaaaay too close to the deadline or past the deadline?
We all have ways of handling these situations and some better than others. How do we grow out of these habits that get the best for us?
How do I force my mind to just start when I do not want to get going?
It's not that I procrastinate on much, but writing is one of those things that I can find something better to do. I will believe whatever I tell myself right? If I listen to that voice that says this can wait, I would never have a word written.

Shh… Procrastination voice

What did I do to overcome the procrastination voice? I instead listened to the voice that was telling me to just sit down and do it. I made it a bit easier by setting a timer for 10 minutes. Typing whatever came out of my head. Easing into this and setting the timer helped to stop my feeling of overwhelm that was causing my procrastination. It just started with 10 minutes to see what would come out. If I am not a fan of what I wrote, whatever it was 10 minutes I got this. Besides that is be better than staring at a computer screen for an hour.

Just Start - Get Writing

It's okay

When it comes down to it, I give myself permission to do this once in a while. Not day in and day out. Boy, I won't get anything done if I listened to my procrastination voice creating the schedule. Next, to try the 10-minute timer on, oh yes the list of all the things I need to get done around the house.


Little Side Note

Want to read more?

Check out this blog post:

Taking Imperfect Action


What's on the List?
I knew you were curious, here is a little snippet.

  • Create an eight-week meal plan in Notion
  • Find healthy recipes my family will eat
  • Organize my house – yup this is a biggie
  • Take time to read 30 minutes a day (for fun)
  • Prep for next week video on YouTube
  • Begin a morning yoga routine (Woot, this one I actually started, check it out Sarah Beth Yoga)

Hmm, how many of these can I get done in 10 minutes, and which ones could be delegated to the kids?

Be Amazing!