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This is my Why

by Jan 10, 2017Online Business

This Is My Why

This is my why! For some reason sharing my why with the world makes me feel a little uneasy. It took me a bit of time to put a finger on what was causing this uneasiness. I should have known, its what so many of us struggle with.

The fear. You know that terrible four letter word that can put us into procrastination.

Here it goesMy Why Photo

My name is Michele. Before anything else, I'm a wife and mother.  How I support my family is helping health, life and mindset coaches that have online coaching practices. You know your solopreneur trying to be everything to everyone. Those are the people I choose to serve.


Why serve them?

Caring for yourself isn't always easy and if you're new to this practice working with a coach will guide and support you through this discovery process. Helping these coaches with websites, email marketing or executive assistant work, allow them more time to serve others.

Before my journey began as a VA…

Prior to starting Miss Task, I worked for a corporation. Corporations are great, but I felt it was time for a change. I wanted to personally feel as if I was making an impact on my customers' lives. At the end of the day, it was rare that I had the feeling that I truly was making an impact.

What gives me this feeling of impact

Doing the very best job to my ability for each and every customer that I serve. To know that they trust that I'll do the job with loving kindness and as good if not better than they could do the task themselves.

I want to bring a little more joy and a little less stress.

I want to help to take those tasks that give my customers a little more time in the day to serve others. To be what they actually would like to be, a coach. Not a WordPress administrator, an email marketing genius or an email reading queen.

To share my knowledge and passion for software and organization. To be a trusted and reliable presence in the day-to-day grind. Because I know I can.


I would love for you to share your insight in the comments below!

Looking for Ideas to Outsource?

Here is my gift to you a little workbook to figure what tasks to outsource and free up your valuable time. Because your time is your most valuable business asset!